ASoS 40: The Hooded Dead

This week Ivan and Red called an audible and discussed the Epilogue of “A Storm of Swords”. If you *only* watch the tv show and haven’t read the books, we discuss an event that has not happened in the TV show. Up…

ASoS 39: Sansa VII and The Need for Feminism

After completely whiffing on the last chapter in A Storm of Swords, Ivan and Red finish up the Brienne chapter they began last episode before looping back around to the last chapter in  A Storm of Swords, Sansa VII. They discuss The…

AFfC 1: Ser Creighton Longbough, Male Model

With no more unspoiled territory in A Storm of Swords, we jump into A Feast for Crows to cover one and a half of the three chapters we’re reading in A Feast for Crows, specifically we touch upon Brienne I…