Number 9 Overall in iTunes TV & Film category!

Number 9 Overall in iTunes TV & Film category!

Wait, what? Number 9 overall in iTunes TV & Film category! But still 3rd Greatest Game of Thrones podcast.

You Know Something, Jon Snow.

You Know Something, Jon Snow.

You know something, Jon Snow.

If You Had a Six Foot Woman

If you had a six foot woman who had a good sense of humor about herself, she would be unstoppable! She’d be Maege Mormont! Brienne really needs to go to the Maege Mormont school for young women. How have we…

Fire Yoko

I’m just going to call her ‘fire Yoko’ from now on. — Ivan Hernandez on Melisandre in Game of Thrones (via swallowed keys)

Thoros of Myr

I CANNOT WAIT FOR THOROS OF MYR. Sent by Bannerman Nelson T.

The Simpsons: Epic Game of Thrones Title Sequence

The Simpsons: Epic Game of Thrones Title Sequence

thedailywhat: Title Sequence of the Day: From tonight’s episode of The Simpsons, an epic Game of Thrones-themed couch gag. [chewiejr.]