ASoS 32: Edric Storm and The Battle of Castle Black
Edric Storm is stolen away and it’s the Battle at Castle Black in Davos VI (Hardback page 705/Paperback page 857) and Jon VIII (Hardback page 714/Paperback page 868) of George R.R. Marin’s “A Storm of Swords”. Ivan and Red discuss ravens from the bannermen concerning their absence, Alester vs Axell Florent, the honorability of burning, Joffrey and kittens, Kegs and Horse, closing your mouth in extreme cold, Jon Snow basking for krill, murder holes, bigot Jon Snow, the Direwolf of Wall Street, surge pricing at Trader Joe’s, and the proper way to parent Joffrey Baratheon.
Thje healer, the bass player of the RPG’s. :\
Short, sweet, to the point, FREeE-xactly as information should be!
Maybe in this generation, John. If we were talking about the Great Depression era it was out of desperation. People were in survival mode back then and willing to accept any lifeline, even if it was from liberals and ultimately harmed them.Obama care will result in an increased use of “physician expanders” aka Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants.Defintely not top level health care.