Andor 1x10: Water Boys

No Way Out. Kino Loy’s finally ready to make a move, he just forgot one important skill tree. Luthean takes time to shake down a tweedy redhead, while Mon Mothma considers allowing her daughter to throw herself under the bus.…

Andor 1x09: You Can Rely on the Old Man’s Money

Nobody’s Listening! Andy Serkis still thinks working within the system will save him, but that’s some Gollum as thinking he needs to move past. Vel returns home to live her Hall & Oatesiest Rich Girl life for a bit. Ivan…

Andor 1x08: The Floor is Lava

Narkina 5. Despite being JUST A TOURIST, Andor’s been Shanghai’d to a prison on the Interstellar water planet. Ivan & Red hate nepotism, but when Nightcrawler scribe Dan Gilroy is brought in by his brother Tony, exceptions will be made.…